Andikape Education

God created everything perfect, but ever since humans sinned; all of that has gotten out of balance. Ever since this happened, humans have been afflicted with disabilities. Even nature itself was affected; from vicious animals to horrendous natural disasters destroying homes. The hunger that many face is due to sin.

When you see a person’s face and the first thing that comes to your mind is (s/he is ugly) it’s a sign of disability. Originally, all humans were handsome and beautiful. When a person becomes old it’s a disability; just like a person losing an arm or leg, visual and or auditory deficits, mental retardation etc. are all disabilities. Essentially, after sin everyone becomes disabled. There are many who don’t know this. Even the people who ARE disabled don’t know what it means to be disabled. This is the reason for Andikape an Aksyon. The talk show will be a source of light for everyone.

If the handicapped have a better understanding of disabilities; they will be better equipped to accept it. They will have a different concept and outlook on life. They will contribute to the development of their communities and society, because there can be no development in a community without the input of the disabled residents. Andikape an Aksyon wants complete integration. In conclusion, regardless of the disability, you are capable of doing many things; for you are a human just like everyone else.


Community Education

Communication is an important and vital tool throughout all cultures and countries. This is one of the many reasons why we chose to use the radio as our medium to educate the community. As a staff, we at “Andikape an Aksyon” have realized that sanitary issues are a problem when dealing with epidemics in our community. It would be wrong to sit back and watch as people’s health deteriorate. Andikape an Aksyon believe that it is our duty to take action by teaching our community. In the words of JFK, don’t ask what your community can do for you, but instead ask what you can do for your community.

Family Education

In almost all modern societies, education is the number 1 priority. The family benefits directly from being educated. There is no development without a strong informed family. Imagine if a member of said family became handicapped, it would be very difficult for the family to meet the affected individual’s needs if they are not aware of the disease/disorder.

This is one of the reasons why Andikape an Aksyon focuses on the topic of family. As with anyone, a strong family support system leads to a better quality of life. An informed family can be the best advocate for an individual with disabilities. We at Andikape an Aksyon hope to show that strong communities are lead by strong families. The disabled individual will be better prepared to contribute to society and face some of the world’s challenges by being part of a competent familial unit.